Buddha Maitreya the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ & Mandarava Tara are pleased to be able to offer this cutting edge vibrational healing based on the latest quantum response technology from Germany.
Advanced Soul Therapy® utilizes Color Therapy, Distance Healing and electronically prepared Resonance Balanced Essences to energetically balance a person etherically on a physical, emotional, mental and causal level - the level of the Soul.
Each balancing lasts for 30 days and can be done remotely with Essences shipped directly to you. All that is required to begin is a photo of the person together with their full name and date of birth. This forms a witness which our computer based technology will then scan energetically against a database of up to 65,000 test parameters, identifying and addressing both under and over functioning areas to help restore balance and harmony on every level.
All that is required to begin is your photo (a head/shoulder shot), full name and date of birth. This forms a witness which our computer based Mars III technology will then scan energetically against a database of several thousand spiritually focused test parameters.
The scan and analysis focuses on Soul Therapy to address spiritually aligned imbalances focusing on the Earth, chakras, auras, cosmic and planetary influences and many other spiritual imbalances and subtle energetic influences that affect a person in their daily life.
Even with physical symptoms, there is always a spiritually aligned imbalance that relates to it.
After the initial analysis, Advanced Soul Therapy® begins with long-distance color therapy that lasts between 60-90 minutes. The Color Tuning helps to balance the chakras and prepare a person for the healing process.
Also available as a standalone treatment at anytime. Price is $50 per session.
Four Bio-Resonance Balanced Essences will be shipped to you to begin taking on specific dates, a few days apart. Each Essence consists of globules that have been electronically imprinted based on the energetic imbalances identified in the four initial scans. They are taken regularly throughout the day by dissolving a few globules under the tongue, until the course is completed.
In addition for each Essence taken orally, a 30 day broadcast of the same Essences from Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Monastery in Northern California will be set up to start on the same date as the globules.
This allows for the Advanced Soul Therapy® to be received both etherically from without and from within the body, facilitating an all encompassing holistic healing treatment.