Literature to Support the Use of PEMF Devices
Literature to Support the Use of PEMF Devices
Resources to Support the Use of Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields
Here is the link to the Dr. Oz show, "The Cure for Pain" which aired November 16th, 2011.
Here is the link to the Pelvicenter video.
Here is the link to Mr USA Dr Ivan Rusilko from the Miami Institute using the Pelvicenter at the 2012 A4M (American Academy of Antiageing Medicine) show in Orlando.
I would like to point out that the QRS was the original body regeneration system of its kind first produced in 1990. Twice Nobel prize nominee Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD, Dr. Winfried Otto Schumann famous for the Schumann Resonance Earth Frequency 7.83Hz, Dr. Herbert Konig, and Dr. Fischer are the four doctors behind the QRS device.
Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD was a U.S. orthopedic surgeon and researcher in electrophysiology/electromedicine. He was nominated twice for the Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in tissue regeneration.
Dr. Winfried Otto Schumann was a German physicist who predicted the Schumann resonances, a series of low-frequency resonances caused by lightning discharges in the atmosphere.
The QRS has over 200 research papers backing it up and is used in Vatican Hospital as well as many other famous hospitals and clinics throughout the world. Our competitors who have tried to copy the QRS over the years have very few research papers. Ask to see the research papers done with their own device, not the QRS. QRS has over the years sued 57 times to protect the special QRS e-function signal and our 3 international patents.
The QRS was on the MIR space station and has been used in the Tour de France since 1990. The QRS is used by professional athletes in the NBA, NFL, MLB, and the Olympics.
In the following video, Dr. Ted Banko compares the MRS2000 to the QRS. He has used both devices side by side in his practice for years.
Please notice how large and bulky the MRS2000 bed and pillow are. Our competitors use this outdated "coils between foam" technology. The original QRS Salut used this primitive technology as well. With the introduction of the QRS 101 in 2001, QRS went to our new technology which makes the pads more flexible, lighter, less bulky, and far more durable. Packed for travel, the QRS in its bag at 11 lbs is 1/3 of the weight and bulk of any of our competitors.
Extra Features : Our Pen Probe is more powerful than any cold laser on the market according to numerous chiropractors because it is a PEMF device and a Cold Laser combined. None of our competitors have this. Only QRS has the QRS Magnetic Therapy Goggles and QRS Magnetic Therapy Headphones for eye and ear issues. Also only the QRS 101 has the ability to program 2 sessions that come on every 24 hours for a predetermined applicator resulting in the ability to get up to 3 hours of therapy while you sleep. This is unheard of.
QRS is much more than a home system. QRS is produced by Siemens Medical with a 5 year warranty and a 6 month return policy. Seimens also produces QRS clinical units costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Here is the link to the Dr. Oz show, "The Cure for Pain" which aired November 16th, 2011.
Here is the link to the Pelvicenter video.
QRS 101 Homesystem Brochure
Quantum Medicine - Quanum Therapy
Application Indications Guide
The NEW Quantum Waver is the new QRS with Oxygen and Panasonic technology which goes beyond the QRS alone. MSRP is $17,000.00 with Oxygen.
Dr. Sherry Rogers - "Detoxify or Die"
Stop Growing Older Grow Younger
Here is a video QRS comparison to the MRS2000 by Dr. Ted Banko.
On our homepage look for Why QRS is the Best! just under the picture of the QRS 101.
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