QRS - Quantum Resonance System


QRS - Quantum Resonance System


PEMF Products Offered at Center:

QRS - Quantron Resonance System

The Quantron Resonance System (QRS) is a pulsed magnetic field system that provides non-invasive magnetic stimulation in the micro-tesla range of exposed tissues.  In this respect it is similar to other FDA-approved magnetic stimulation devices used in healing of non-union bones and delayed union fractures.  See the extensive bibliography below on the effects of these types of fields on human and animal biology.  In addition to the bone healing actions, these fields’ other primary benefits are to improve circulation and reduce edema, improve tissue oxygenation and reduce muscle tension. A consequence of these actions is the secondary benefit of reducing physiologic stress and improving sleep.  Because of these actions the QRS is commonly used as a complementary therapy in musculoskeletal and rehabilitation management and therapy.  Commonly benefited conditions include acute and chronic back pain, tendinitis/bursitis, myofascial syndromes, muscle and ligament sprains, strains and spasm, skin trauma and inflammations, scars and contractures and joint swelling and pain.  Because of the basic biologic actions of these fields, the QRS  is frequently found to help in the management of acute and chronic pain. The QRS, was the first pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) system in the world. The patented QRS Signal is an e-function signal which makes it the most effective system available. Over 200 Research Papers are available. The system comes with a 5-year factory warranty.

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